Nationally Ranked Programs Preparing Outstanding Educators
The Department of Curriculum and Instruction (EDCI) at UConn’s Neag School of Education offers outstanding, nationally ranked undergraduate and graduate programs of study for both preservice and in-service educators. The primary focus of our faculty is the preparation of leaders to serve all levels of education.
According to U.S. News & World Report's annual rankings, our Curriculum and Instruction programs are tied at No. 28 in the nation among specialty programs. In addition, our special education program is tied at No. 13.
EDCI is also the primary department involved in the Neag School’s nationally recognized preservice teacher education program, the Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s program (IB/M).
Teacher Certification
With the exception of the Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s program, which is designed for students entering UConn as undergraduates, our graduate programs in EDCI do not lead to a teaching credential.
Individuals already holding an undergraduate degree and interested in a Connecticut teaching certificate should seek admission to the Teacher Certification Program for College Graduates (TCPCG), which is specifically designed for those who are in need of initial teaching certification along with a master’s degree.
Graduate Programs
Our department’s graduate degree programs are designed for teachers who wish to specialize in a specific content area (e.g., math, science, or social studies education) or to enhance their knowledge and skills in preparation for a specific certification (e.g., bilingual educator or remedial reading & remedial language arts teacher).
We offer programs of study leading to the master’s of arts in education degree, a sixth-year professional diploma in education, and a doctor of philosophy degree. Doctoral programs are designed for those aspiring to positions as professors and researchers, school administrators and curriculum specialists, and educational leaders in a range of settings.
As scholars, our faculty members conduct research reflecting their interests in areas such as the following:
- language and literacy
- math and science education
- social studies education and media literacy
- bilingual and multicultural education
- multicultural education
- urban education
- technology and new literacies
- curriculum studies
Our faculty members hold national leadership positions, are recipients of major research grants, serve as consultants to state agencies and public schools, and have received local and national recognition for both their teaching and scholarship. They are valued for their commitment to their students and their enthusiasm for ensuring exciting, relevant programs of study.
Anti-Racism Resources for Students, Educators, and Citizens
Department faculty have curated a set of anti-racism resources. “We are reaching out to share resources that we believe might be helpful as you reflect on the current and ongoing racism in our country. We hope that these resources will help you reflect on and process the current moment, but also, help shape your practices as anti-racist teachers,” they write. Access the Resources
Recent Department Headlines
On March 15, Alumni Board members, faculty, staff, administrators, friends, and guests gathered at the Student Union Ballroom to honor outstanding alumni